STICKLES ARE BACK IN STOCK AGAIN! ! ! I can not believe how quick they fly off the shelves. We have an absolutely beautiful selection of them but I do recommend shopping early for best selection.
Bling, Bling and more Bling has again arrived as well!
I will blog again and let you know many of the wonderful new arrivals over the next couple of days!
I opened a surprising Special Delivery Package today - Alliance Films has sent us a package with one of their latest movies - Inkhart along with Screening Passes for a special preview of this movie. They have asked us to pass the complimentary passes to our customers and staff.
Here is what they have told us about the movie:
"INKHEART is a thrilling adventure that stars Brendan Frases as Mo Folchart, a father who possesses a secret ability to bring characters from books to life when he reads them aloud. But when Mo accidentally brings a power-hungry villain from a rare children's fable to life, the villain kidnaps Mo's daughter and demands Mo bring other evil fictional characters to life. In an attempt to rescue his daughter, Mo assembles desparate group of friends - both real and magic - and embarks on a journey to save her and set things right."
These passes are for Monday January 19th at 7:00 in the Galaxy Cinemas.
Come in and make a purchase on Saturday January 17th and put your name in our draw to win one of five free pass for you and a friend!